Deposits and Fees
All apartments have different types of move in deposits and fees. (Just to clarify, deposits are refundable, fees are non refundable.) We will start with deposits.
Security Deposits - typically security deposits start off at around $200 a month (for well qualified tenants) and can go all the way up to 1.5 times the monthly rent. (for tenants that don't meet the normal qualifying standards set by the landlord).
Key and Remote Deposits - for those apartments that are gated, tenants may have the option to get a remote control to access the gate. A deposit for the remote control is usually requested. This amount is usually between $25 to $50. For those apartments that have fitness centers and/or computer centers a deposit for the key or key fob to access these areas may also be required. This deposit is also about $25 to $50.
Application Fees. All apartments charge an application fee. This fee is charged on every person, 18 or older who will be residing in the residence. This fee is anywhere from $35 to $50 (plus tax) per person. Should you need a cosigner or guarantee, that person would also have to pay an application fee.
Administration Fee. All apartments charge an administration fee. This amount is usually $100 to $250 a month.
****Some apartments may waive some of the deposits and fee for being a Midwestern Student.*****